Brisbane City Council grants and sponsorships

Environment Grants 2024-2025

This is a preview of the Environment Grant Application 2024-25 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Brisbane City Council's Environment Grant

NOTE:  It is important to supply ALL the information and documentation requested on this application, to ensure your project has the best opportunity to be considered for funding. 

Documentation received by Council after closing date will not be accepted. This is in fairness and transparency to all applicants.

Grant funding is very competitive and there is a risk your application will be deemed ineligible and not be assessed, if the necessary documentation is not provided on the application.

Please read the Environment Grant Guidelines before starting an application.


  • Environmental Project: Minimum $1,000, maximum $20,000 per project (GST exclusive)
  • Cultivating Community Gardens: Minimum $1,000, maximum $2,500 (GST exclusive)

CLOSING DATE:  midnight Friday, 21 March 2025.

Please note: All Environment Grant projects will need to be finalised and acquitted within one year of the successful grant notification.

Please ensure your project is fully discussed and approved by your Community Organisation and you agree that adequate time has been allocated to fully complete and acquit the project.  

Any changes to the approved project scope and acquittal time-frames would only be accepted under exceptional circumstances.

Land Manager Approval and Quotes checklist

Is the proposed on-ground environment project or community garden project, on Brisbane City Council Land? * Required
Response required.Response required.
I have written Land Manager approval to attach to this grant application * Required
Response required.Response required.
Documentation received after the grant closing date is not accepted
I have TWO comparable quotes for each component of the project over $1,000 and one quote for items under $1,000 to attach to this grant application * Required
Response required.Response required.